Vijfhonderd jaar St. Anthoniusgilde
Other title(s): Five hundred years St. Anthonius guild
Year: 1920
Description: Reportage about the celebrations for the St. Anthony's Guild in Beek en Donk In 1520, for the Saint Anthony Abbot, an altar was dedicated in the St. Martin church in Beek en Donk. It had long been assumed that 1520 was also when the St. Anthony’s Guild had been established. But recent research has shown that a guild already existed in 1490. But because the inhabitants of Beek en Donk in 1920 still believed that the guild dated from 1520, the event was widely commemorated. The film shows the historical pageant, and flags are waved.
Keywords: Nederland / Beek en Donk / defilés / fanfares / koetsen / wagens / kostuums
Provider: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Rights: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Production company: Unknown
Director: Unknown
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